Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index

a puppy running towards it's owner with open arms in long grass

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) provides a collection of industry-specific standards to help measure and communicate performance on environmental, social and corporate governance topics. This report includes responses for the SASB Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals standard. Select indicators (noted in the tables below) are not applicable to animal health companies, such as Elanco.

Inclusion of information in this report should not be construed as a characterization of the financial materiality or impact of that information. Please see our Corporate Annual Report or Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and other publicly-filed documents available on the Elanco Investor Relations website.

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary
Safety of Clinical Trial ParticipantsDiscussion, by world region, of management process for ensuring quality and patient safety during clinical trialsHC-BP-210a.1

Key features of our approach to research animal welfare include:

  • Ethical oversight: Our animal welfare program – including all animal research – is governed by Elanco’s global animal welfare experts, including our Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC is a global committee of experts that reviews and approves protocols to assess best practices and compliance. It includes volunteer members not affiliated with Elanco, as well as Elanco veterinarians, scientists and other research professionals. The program receives additional oversight from our Vice President of Global Clinical Development and our Executive Vice President of Innovation and Regulatory Affairs, who provide regular updates to our managerial executive committee and quarterly updates to the Board Innovation, Science and Technology Committee – as part of enterprise risk management updates.
  • Best practices: We are dedicated to balancing research objectives with sound science while ensuring the humane and responsible use of the animals to maximize welfare by applying the 3Rs principles. Therefore, Elanco has a dedicated 3R’s committee to assist our scientists in implementation, training and study design refinements that incorporate the principles below:
    • Replacement: The replacement of animals with alternative non-animal methods including the application of in-vitro (test tube) systems or in silico (computer-based) systems as well as the use of a species lower in the phylogenetic scale, such as using the nematode instead of sheep
    • Reduction: The reduction in the number of animals used by the application of good experimental design, applicable regulations, and/or the proper statistical methods
    • Refinement: The modification of experimental techniques to eliminate or minimize pain or distress and to enhancements in animal husbandry to improve overall wellbeing in their colony environment (e.g., environmental enrichment, social housing/ contact, etc.
  • Independent accreditation: The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) provides accreditation for animal welfare in research facilities. As of year-end 2023, two of our three Elanco-owned research facilities had AAALAC accreditation. By 2025, we plan for the completion of AAALAC accreditation for the third facility.
  • CRO Oversight: Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and studies are audited by trained and qualified personnel to ensure they meet strict regulatory requirements which include pre-, in-life, and post-facility audits to ensure operational and study compliance.

All clinical research is appropriately monitored by scientific staff at Elanco. Prior to contracting and as a part of due diligence, CROs are vetted by our animal welfare, quality assurance organizations, and legal teams, and undergo a third-party risk assessment, as appropriate.

Monetary Incentives Used by CROs

Compensation for each study is allocated on an individual basis aligned with milestones reached or work executed.

Clinical Trials Terminated due to Failure to Follow Good Clinical

Practice Standards

In 2023, no studies were terminated due to inadequate clinical practices. Multiple studies were terminated due to project-specific reasons. In the event a trial is terminated, a final study report is always issued and archived.

We conduct annual internal audits for all Elanco sites and audit partner research facilities at least once every three years. We are also subject to external audits by accreditation organizations and government regulators at prescribed intervals.

More information can be found in the Elanco Animal Welfare Issue Brief.

Number of Inspections related to clinical trial management and pharmacovigilance that resulted in (1) entity voluntary remediation or (2) regulatory or administrative actions taken against the entityHC-BP-210a.2In 2023, no Form 483's were received.

Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with clinical trials in developing countriesHC-BP-210a.3None reported. If applicable, monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with clinical trials would be included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K

SASB Topic
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Reporting Commentary
Access to Medicines

Description of actions and initiatives to promote access to health care products for priority diseases and in priority countries as defined by the Access to Medicine Index


The Access to Medicines Index applies to human healthcare companies and is not relevant to Elanco as an animal health company.

However, the Managing Animal Health and Acaricides for a Better Africa (MAHABA) initiative is a collaboration between Elanco and GALVmed (the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicine), with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – to aid small-scale beef and dairy producers in Uganda and small-scale cattle and poultry producers in Nigeria. Livestock farming is a significant source of food and income in these countries. At the same time, ticks and tick-borne diseases represent a significant economic burden to cattle farming and, overall, the development of the livestock sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Direct and indirect effects of tick infestations negatively impact animal health and output, farmer productivity and the economic stability of small-scale livestock producers. Treatment failures and tick resistance are prevalent in the region, due to a lack of education and resources that lead to inappropriate selection of chemical classes and application of acaricides. 

Through the MAHABA initiative, we seek to equip small-scale producers in Uganda and Nigeria with quality acaricides and education, to help them realize significant livestock productivity gains by better managing ticks and the impact of tick-borne-disease. For more information, visit the Healthier People section of our annual ESG report.

List of products on the WHO List of Prequalified Medicinal Product as part of its Prequalification of Medicines Programme (PQP)HC-BP-240a.2None of our products are on the WHO List of Prequalified Medicinal Products.

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary
Affordability and PricingPercentage change in: (1) weighted average list price and (2) weighted average net price across U.S. product portfolio compared to previous reporting periodHC-BP-240b.2

We do not publicly disclose changes in average list price, as that information is competitively sensitive.

On a global basis, the effect of price on changes in revenue as compared to the prior year was as follows:

2023 - 4%

2022 – 2%

2021 – 2%

2020 - 3% *

2019 – 2% *

*Data for 2019-2020 reflects legacy Elanco operations, prior to the integration of Bayer Animal Health.

Percentage change in: (1) list price and (2) net price of product with largest increase compared to previous yearHC-BP-240b.3While we are not reporting a percentage change in net list price, no single product materially contributed to our price growth in 2023.

SASB Topic
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Reporting Commentary
Drug SafetyProducts listed in pubic medical product safety or adverse event alert databasesHC-BP-250a.1Animal health products are not included in the FDA MedWatch Safety Alerts publication.

Number of fatalities associated with productsHC-BP-250a.2We continually assess, record and analyze any potential safety and quality defects associated with the use of any of our products. Our pharmacovigilance and quality assurance process requires root cause analysis and evaluation, ensuring appropriate mitigating and preventative actions are implemented. Animal health products are not included in the FDA FAERs system. The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine makes adverse events reports from the animal health industry available to the public at

(1) Number of recalls issued; total units recalled (2) Total units recalledHC-BP-250a.3We continuously assess, analyze and record any potential quality defects associated with our products. Should we ever determine a product quality or safety concern, we would promptly and voluntarily recall the product from the supply chain and cooperate with local regulatory authorities. Our quality assurance process mandates root cause analysis and evaluation for all incidences – ensuring appropriate mitigating, corrective and preventative actions are implemented accordingly. In 2023, we issued 7 recalls worldwide with 37,620 total units recalled.

Total amount of product accepted for takeback, reuse, or disposal (metric tonnes)HC-BP-250a.4The total amount of product accepted for takeback, reuse or disposal is competitively sensitive. However, our operational processes for product returns are described below: Customers in the U.S. In the U.S., our commercial policies allow for the return of products if certain criteria are met, as outlined in the Elanco Terms and Conditions of Sale and in our commercial contracts. We investigate reasons for returns and distinguish three types of returns: Unusable, Return to Stock, or Destroyed in Field. When a product is returned at designated facilities, SOPs describe how Elanco products returned to an Elanco warehouse or third-party partners such as logistics service providers should be handled. The SOPs also outline the rules for further disposition of returned products. Our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) organization maintains additional SOPs detailing appropriate processes for the management and disposal of both waste and hazardous waste material. In rare instances, we evaluate a product for reintegration into the supply chain. In such circumstances, our U.S. Affiliate Quality (USAQ) team applies a standard process for assessing the product’s suitability. This is necessary to ensure that only product fit for use is considered for re-integration into saleable stock. For products destroyed in the field, we advise our customers to comply with guidelines for appropriate disposal, per the product information documents. When product is returned at a designated facility, approved procedures define how Elanco product returns are handled. Customers Outside the U.S. For markets outside of the U.S., our regional affiliates have local commercial policies which are based on our Commercial Policy Blueprint for Elanco International. This blueprint identifies applicable global SOPs and return procedures. The return processes defined in affiliates’ commercial policies include a local business review, approval process and requirements for the creation and retention of appropriate supporting documentation aligned with applicable local regulations and global procedures.

Number of FDA enforcement actions taken in response to violations of current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), by typeHC-BP-250a.5In 2023, there were zero enforcement actions taken in response to violations.

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary
Counterfeit DrugsDescription of methods and technologies used to maintain traceability of products throughout the supply chain and prevent counterfeitingHC-BP-260a.1Elanco proactively identifies and mitigates efforts of the sellers and manufacturers of counterfeit products to protect our customers. Engaging with external business partners, Elanco can proactively monitor counterfeit activity for five key products in the U.S. Counterfeits are identified through a combination of internal and external resources. Evaluated through an internal assessment process conducted by technical experts. Analytical testing may be performed if further information is needed. Notification regarding counterfeits to legal or regulatory authorities depends on local requirements and specific circumstances. To support law enforcement, Elanco has held global education training programs with more than 2,495 in attendance since 2021. The field guide is under continuous review for relevant updates. Elanco reinforces the importance of acquiring products through authorized distributors as a mechanism to ensure product safety and quality. In the U.S., consumers may use our “Where to Buy” tool to purchase authentic Elanco products from approved veterinary clinics, e-commerce sites and pet retailers. Purchases from sites other than those listed in the Where to Buy tool may originate from a source unknown to Elanco.

Discussion of process for alerting customers and business partners of potential or known risks associated with counterfeit productsHC-BP-260a.2While each case is unique, there may arise circumstances which warrant communication to customers, distributors and/or consumers, where Elanco reinforces the importance of acquiring products through authorized distributors of our products as a mechanism to ensure product safety and quality.

Number of actions that led to raids, seizure, arrests, and/or filing of criminal charges related to counterfeit productsHC-BP-260a.3Notification regarding counterfeits to legal or regulatory authorities depends on local requirements and specific circumstances. Our procedures ensure notification to local authorities occurs when required. If notification is not required, but authorities are receptive to reports of counterfeits, we evaluate the circumstance to determine if reporting will occur. In circumstances where regulators or law enforcement officials receive information related to counterfeit products, Elanco may or may not be informed of raids, seizures, arrests, and/or filing of criminal charges. Since its inception in 2021, Elanco's proactive counterfeit program has resulted in law enforcement actions recovering more than $5.3 M worth of counterfeit product.

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary
Ethical MarketingTotal amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with false marketing claimsHC-BP-270a.1If applicable, we disclose information about material legal proceedings in our Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Description of code of ethics governing promotion of off-label use of productsHC-BP-270a.2Elanco’s Global Marketing Operations Procedure: Promotional Materials Review and Approval ensures the development, review, approval and lifecycle management of promotional, educational and technical materials are consistent with the Elanco brand, industry standards and existing local laws. All materials provided by Elanco to animal health or nutritional health professionals and consumers worldwide are reviewed to be accurate and balanced, based on science and/or technical information, consistent with the approved label and aligned with established ethical, regulatory, legal and professional/scientific requirements. Elanco sales, marketing, technical and regulatory teams are trained on and must comply with, local and global policies with respect to labeling and promotional activities. Compliance with local and global standards is subject to periodic internal audits and policy violations may result in disciplinary action.

SASB Topic
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Reporting Commentary
Employee Recruitment, Development & RetentionDiscussion of talent recruitment and retention efforts for scientists and research and development personnelHC-BP-330a.1Elanco’s strategic talent recruiting group actively supports our company’s unique talent needs – including sourcing for specialized skills in R&D, IT, Finance and Legal. Distinct from the rest of the organization, our career path and structure in R&D is focused on ensuring appropriate opportunities based on both internal and external scientific contributions. Our global mentoring program supports the development of individuals within our organization, connecting people from diverse backgrounds, experiences and geographies. Creating opportunities for information sharing, cross-functional job training and on-site rotations allows our employees understand the role that specific scientific areas contribute across the enterprise. We support Scientific Communities of Practice (COPs) that foster knowledge sharing and enhance the visibility of scientific talent organization wide. Succession management plans are reviewed annually for key roles to ensure continuity and to identify talent gaps supporting the advancement of our development and learning initiatives.

(1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for: (a) executives/senior managers, (b) midlevel managers, (c) professionals, and (d) all others


2023 Total Turnover: 12.6%
• 2023 Voluntary: 9.4%
• 2023 Involuntary: 3.2% 

Executives/Senior Mgr:
• 2023 Voluntary: 8.3%
• 2023 Involuntary: 7.3% 

Mid-Level Mgr:
• 2023 Voluntary: 7.1 %
• 2023 Involuntary: 3.6% 

• 2023 Voluntary: 7.0%
• 2023 Involuntary: 3.0% 

• 2023 Voluntary: 9.9%
• 2023 Involuntary: 3.1%

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary

Manufacturing & Supply Chain Quality Management

Percentage of (1) entity’s facilities and (2) Tier 1 suppliers’ facilities participating in the RX-360 International Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Consortium audit program or equivalent third-party audit programs for the integrity of supply chain and ingredientsHC-BP-430a.1

Elanco is a member of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) organization. We maintain a targeted risk-based external supplier auditing program. This includes the potential completion of periodic surveys and the potential for on-site assessments to verify adherence to the PSCI principles. In 2023, we increased the number of suppliers that participated in on-site HSE PSCI assessments nearly 20% year-over-year:
• 2023: 55
• 2022: 49
• 2021: 12
• 2020: 8

 In 2023, we adopted a global human rights policy and launched our human rights oversight committee. This new policy reaffirms our commitment to leading human rights practices as specified in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (including the International Labour Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work) and the PSCI Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management. 

The policy outlines our commitments and procedures, including due diligence specifications that apply to our own operations, supply chain and other business partners. The policy also provides a global framework for regional human rights activities, including the management of modern slavery risks. 

In 2023, we also implemented an enhanced Business Partner Code of Conduct and third-party due diligence platform to ensure we receive comprehensive information from current and prospective suppliers and business partners on their practices related to more than 20 leading ESG topics. We will use this information to monitor expected practice, identify deficiencies related to Elanco policies or business norms, and to inform targeted engagement on issues such as human rights, employee health and safety, modern slavery, information security, data privacy and operational sustainability.

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary
Business EthicsTotal amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with corruption and briberyHC-BP-510a.1All material legal proceedings are disclosed in the Company’s Form 10-K.” 

Description of code of ethics governing interactions with health care professionalsHC-BP-510a.2Elanco has a Code of Conduct applicable to all employees that guides our decisions and relationships and establishes our behavioral expectations. Training on the Code is mandatory for all employees annually. The Code is supported by policies and procedures governing ethical interactions with external third parties, including Animal Health Professionals (AHPs), government officials, charitable organizations, and others. An AHP is a natural person who is (1) a professional in the field of animal health, including a veterinarian, registered veterinary technician, veterinary nurse, animal health nutritionist, fish health specialist, or veterinary pharmacist; and (2) who prescribes, recommends, treats and/or performs clinical services in the treatment of animals. include any customers involved in prescribing, recommending, dispensing, purchasing, supplying, or administering animal health products during their professional activities. Our policies and procedures cover ethical conduct with AHPs as it relates to gifts, meals, entertainment, hospitality, speaking engagements and sponsorship for education among other topics. Elanco requires all interactions be transparent, appropriate, and associated with a legitimate business purpose avoiding any situation that may be perceived as an inappropriate way of obtaining or maintaining business or obtaining an inappropriate advantage. We expect all interactions with AHPs to comply with applicable laws, regulations, industry codes, policies, standards, and procedures governing our business. Elanco is committed to compliance with transparency and disclosure requirements globally. Violations of our Code or policies and procedures can be reported to management, our Ethics and Compliance team or to our global ethics hotline. All concerns reported are investigated, and corrective action taken as appropriate. For additional information, see our webpage at Ethics & Compliance (

SASB Topic
SASB Metric
Reporting Commentary
Number of Patients TreatedNumber of Patients TreatedHC-BP-000.ANot applicable for animal health.

Number of drugs (1) in portfolio and (2) in research and development (Phases 1-3)HC-BP-000.B

As disclosed in our Form 10-K, we offer a diverse portfolio of approximately 200+ brands to veterinarians, farm animal producers, and pet owners.

Phases 1-3 are not applicable for animal health; however, our R&D pipeline consists of more than 170 active projects across species and platforms.

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